We are a first-party import company specializing in sourcing high-quality goods and commodities to meet the diverse needs of businesses and individuals in Guyana. Our extensive portfolio includes a wide range of products, and we take pride in providing exceptional services and delivering top-notch products to our valued customers.

We specialize in sourcing and importing a diverse range of products to meet the demands of our clients. Some core product categories include:

Construction Materials

High-quality building materials essential for construction projects of all sizes

Industrial Supplies

A comprehensive range of industrial products and fluids to support manufacturing and processing industries

Heavy Machinery

A diverse range of heavy equipment from excavators to material handlers

Quality Goods

We are a leading importer of quality goods in Guyana, offering a seamless and reliable supply chain to cater to diverse industries and individual consumers. We strive to contribute to Guyana's economic growth by facilitating the importation of essential products that fuel various sectors.

#1 Fastest Growing
Economy in the World

Our Trade Partners Span Globally

Average trade growth since 2019
Guyana trade growth to world trade growth
Total imports in 2023


Quality is at the heart of our operations. We partner with reputable suppliers worldwide, ensuring that our products meet international standards and regulatory requirements. Our rigorous quality control measures ensure that only the finest products reach our customers.

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We thrive on aligning ourselves with likeminded people
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